
The equation for drag force on an object is:

F_d = 0.5 * rho * v^2 * A * c_d

Where rho is the density of the fluid, v is the velocity of the object relative to the fluid, A is the area of the object, and c_d is the drag coefficient.

Implementing drag

Since there are no changes to the actual integration equations, we can reuse the engine's built-in integration. We'll just need to add the drag force to each body.

const RHO = 1.0;

let update = |ids, bodies| {
    for body in ids {
        let v = body.get_vel();
        let r = body.get_radius();

        let A = ???;
        let F_d = ???;



  1. Using the create_body() function before the update function, create two bodies with the same starting velocity, but one with half the radius of the other. Run the simulation. Approximately how far did the larger body travel in relation to the smaller one?

  2. Add this line to the end of your loop to simulate fixed gravity: body.add_force(vec(0.0, -9.8) * body.get_mass()). Additionally, use create_body() before update to create an object with radius 50.0 and mass 10.0. Run the script. The body should accelerate downwards from gravity, and then reach a fixed velocity due to drag. What is the terminal velocity of this object? It might be helpful to follow the body through its inspect panel.